Dental Bridges Can Compensate for Loss of Teeth with Artificial Replacements

If you have a missing tooth or teeth, it is apparent you will have gaps between your teeth visible whenever you smile. You can have the gaps in your smile bridged by visiting the dentist in Mississauga, ON, for replacement solutions looking and feeling like your natural teeth. The dentist in Mississauga will bridge the gap in your smile with dental bridges to compensate for your loss of teeth and the embarrassment you feel when you smile.


Dental bridges are false teeth called pontics held in place by abutment teeth on either side of the gap in your mouth. Pontics are made from different types of materials like gold, but generally, porcelain is the material used to blend in aesthetically with your natural teeth.


When you discuss the replacement options with dental bridges in Mississauga, ON, you are offered four different types of dental bridges. They are traditional, cantilever, Maryland, and implant-supported bridges. Let us look at the four variants to help you understand dental bridges better.


Traditional dental bridges. A conventional bridge has a fake tooth or teeth held in place by dental caps fastened onto the abutment teeth. Traditional dental bridges are the most popular and useful when you have natural teeth on both sides of the gap left by the missing tooth.

Cantilever dental bridges. This variety is similar to a traditional dental bridge. However, the Pontic in a cantilever bridge is held by a dental crown bonded to just one abutment teeth. If you have only one natural tooth neighboring the gap left by the missing tooth, you are offered cantilever dental bridges.

Maryland dental bridge. This variety is also similar to a traditional bridge but employs two natural abutment teeth on both sides of the gap. However, Maryland dental bridges don’t use dental crowns on the abutment teeth but have a framework of metal or porcelain bonded to the backs of the abutment teeth. Maryland bridges are useful only if you have a natural tooth on both sides of the gap.

Implant-supported dental bridges. Implant-supported bridges utilize dental implants instead of crowns or frames. One implant placement is required for every missing tooth, and the implanted posts hold the bridge in place of the gap. Implant-supported bridges are the most robust and require at least two surgeries. The first is to embed the dental implants into the jawbone, and the second is to place the bridge.


When Do You Need Dental Bridges?


Missing tooth or teeth can impact you in many ways. Besides preventing embarrassment when smiling, dental bridges can restore your ability to chew properly and maintain the shape of your face. Bridges can make it easier for you to speak and pronounce words. They can readjust your bite to distribute the forces of chewing foods correctly. Most importantly, bridges can prevent your remaining teeth from moving out or their correct position.


Getting Dental Bridges to Cover the Gaps in Your Mouth


During your first visit for dental bridges, the dentist in Pearl Dental Care examines the health of your gums and remaining teeth to evaluate if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. The dental Bridges procedure begins by administering local anesthesia to enable your dentist to prepare your teeth to support the bridge. If your supporting teeth are badly decayed or broken down, the dentist must build them back before being used for support.


Impressions of your prepared teeth are taken by the dentist to create a model of your teeth. Your bridge is created according to the model made by a skilled laboratory technician to ensure it fits accurately on the prepared teeth. It is essential that your restoration fits appropriately to avoid unnecessary oral health problems like tooth decay.


As your restoration is fabricated in a dental laboratory, you are fitted with a temporary bridge to protect the prepared teeth. You must return to your dentist in approximately two to three weeks to have the permanent bridge bonded to your teeth.


To finish the procedure, you must return to the dentist for a second appointment when a temporary bridge is removed, and the permanent restoration is fitted and cemented.


How to Care for Dental Bridges?


After your fixed Bridge is bonded in place, your dentist provides information about oral hygiene to maintain the performance and longevity of the dental bridge with your natural teeth and gums. You will require a special floss threader to enable you to floss thoroughly in the areas surrounding your dental bridge, between the Pontic and the underlying gum tissue. The floss threader must be used every day to prevent plaque and bacteria buildup. Brushing correctly with fluoride toothpaste is also recommended at least twice a day. It will help if you maintained six-monthly dental appointments to ensure no issues are developing in your mouth to maintain your oral health in excellent condition.


Suppose loss of teeth is causing you embarrassment when smiling. In that case, you must look for replacements that help you to overcome the challenges with lifelike restorations lasting you for over a decade with proper dental hygiene.


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